Industrial Court Luncheon in honour of the Retiring Chief Judge (now Head Judge) 

On Thursday, the staff of the Industrial Court hosted a luncheon for the court’s Head Judge, Justice Asaph Ntengye Ruhinda, after clocking his mandatory retirement age. The party which took place at Lojola Gardens in Kisaasi was also attended by the Judge’s wife  and his two daughters.

File Photo/Courtesy: Personalized and Well decorated Birthday cake for the Industrial Court, Head Judge, Justice Asaph Ntengye Ruhinda

The Court’s Registrar, HW Sylvia Nabaggala, the do was not only to celebrate his birthday but  “to appreciate the good you (Justice Ruhinda) have done for the court for which every one of us here I believe you have touched in different ways,” said the Registrar. 

Justice Ruhinda joined the Judiciary service as a Magistrate Grade One in July 1987. He rose through the ranks to serve as Chief Registrar before he was appointed the Chief Judge (now Head Judge) of the Industrial Court on the 12th of April 2014, a position he has held till his retirement. 

Justice Linda Tumusiime, a Judge of the Industrial court hailed him for the role he played in growing the court as its pioneer Chief Judge despite the derogatory language with which it was initially described.  It was referred to by many people as a “mere tribunal, a kangaroo court and an LC court,” she recounted. 

Adding, “but we worked together to build our court which was shunned by many at the time even senior counsels did not want to appear in our court and we had to do everything possible to give it its clout.”

Speaking on behalf of the Panelists of the Court, Ms Harriet Magambwa Nganzi, appreciated the Judge for his patience and dedication towards mentoring them as panellists in legal and court procedural matters. 

On behalf of the Court staff, Mr Lwebuga David Christopher, a clerk, described the Judge as a mentor and father, who often pardoned mistakes and was always receptive to listen to everyone. They equally appealed to the Judge to stay within reach, for the Court to tap into his wisdom.

The retired Judge’s wife, Mrs Ruhinda Mary, commended the team spirit exhibited by the court staff. “It is your cooperation and your good working relationship that has made him achieve what he has achieved because in society we cannot operate as individuals,” she said. 

On his part, Justice Ruhinda expressed his gratitude for the gesture and for the cooperation from both the staff and panelists during his tenure at the Industrial Court. He cautioned them about workplace challenges. “In your work there will always be challenges…but don’t give up, never give up and do not be afraid,” he said. He urged them to be humble, always learn from their seniors, avoid corruption and exercise patience even when promotions delay.

“My prayer and hope is that the Industrial Court will grow bigger. We tabled a proposal which was accepted by the Cabinet to have three more Judges at the Court,” he shared. This, he said, will easily be achieved alongside the expansion of facilities to accommodate the other Judges,  under the capable administration of the current Registrar. 

On his plans in retirement, Justice Ruhinda said his major goal was to establish a probono firm which will provide free legal services to indigent women and children.

Luncheon Photo Gallery

File Photo/Courtesy: Industrial Court Registrar, HW Sylvia Nabaggala

File Photo/Courtesy : Industrial Court fraternity in meditation presided over by HW Sylvia Nabaggala

File Photo/Courtesy : Head Judge, Justice Asaph Ruhindi and Family, Judge, Justice Linda Tumusiime and other Industrial Court staff cutting the Head Judge Birthday Cake

File Photo/Courtesy : Happy birthday to you, goes the chorus –  in celebration of the Head Judge birthday.

File Photo/Courtesy : Industrial Court staff, Mr. Lwebuga David Christopher and other Industrial Court staff offering a word of prayer.


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Apuuli Babigumira & Danielle Nalukenge 


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